The Danger of Comfort

This quote…

This quote was in my most recent blog post, but when I was thinking about the danger of comfort in the believer’s life recently, I realized the quote applied to that topic as well.

You see, we are creatures of comfort.

Raining outside? Give me a cozy blanket and good book to read.

Snowing outside? Give me a cozy blanket and a good book to read.

Sunshiny outside? Give me a cozy blanket and a good book to read.

For you it might include a movie or a coffee or something else, but you get the idea. We like comfort, to be comfortable, to not have things in life push us outside of it.

It goes for our Christian walk as well. No matter what capacity we are serving at church, if it doesn’t cause us angst or unpleasantness or take too much time during the week from what we want to do, then we’re good. We’re comfortable and will continue to serve exactly like we’ve always done.

But what if we feel the Lord wants us to up our game? What if ideas start popping up in our mind and heart of teaching a class or leading a Bible study or serving more? What if we outright feel the Lord is leading us to do more or something new and different than what we are comfortable doing?

Maybe we think we’ll wait until life slows down and it’s easier on us. We’ll obey God when it seems more logical to take that step.

Friends, we have to remember life is short. I’m 43 and am on the downhill slide as they say. 😉 *If* I’m granted 80 years of life (and we are not promised tomorrow!), I have already lived half. What have I accomplished? Or should I be more candid: What have I done for the Lord?

We were created to glorify the Lord (Isaiah 43:7). This means our lives are not to revolve around us but around Him. 💚 I named this website after this whole idea. I wanted it to be about what the Lord teaches me as I seek to live this life for Him. How am I using my portion in this life?

Those who have already entered their seventh decade will attest to how quickly life has passed. (I have heard it quite a bit by my parents!) Even at my age, I look at my two kids who are now 18 and 19 years old and think, “how did that happen?”

If the enemy can keep us comfortable then he has done his job. He doesn’t want believers to make waves. He wants Christians to think they are doing something for the Lord which is more than you-know-who, so that is good enough, right?

The “busyness” of life causes our days, weeks, months, and years to fly by. Very often we keep our eyes on the wrong world – this finite world we are currently living in – instead of the eternal one that is coming.

We live on a beautiful planet with billions of people. Billions of people who have not heard of Jesus and what He did for the world. This is why time is short. We have the answer to their unasked questions. We have the hope to replace the feeling of hopelessness inside their soul. We have the truth they are searching for. All because we have Jesus.

But we would rather stay comfortable. We would rather wait until a finger writes on the wall instead of listening to the tug on our hearts that we know has already been affirmed by God (Daniel 5:5).

There’s nothing wrong with comfort. Hey, if it’s raining or snowing outside, it’s probably a good idea to stay inside. But what about the every day? Are we all doing what we know we have been commanded to do (Matthew 28:18-20)?

“You can’t be a world changer until you serve.
And you can’t serve until you break free of your comfort zone.
Break free of your comfort zone and do something, touch someone, give something, help someone, pray for someone, serve someone, #betheGIFT for someone.”

Ann Voskamp

Remember we have the help of the Holy Spirit with us as we take the step that might be uncomfortable. Jesus Christ will give us the strength (Philippians 4:13). We are supposed to be bringing forth fruit (John 15:16). We can’t let the enemy make us think where we are in our Christian life is where we need to stay (James 1:22). We are supposed to keep growing.

So back to the quote that spurred this whole stream-of-consciousness blog post. 😉

“Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”

Jim Elliot

These words came from a man who was martyred with four other men who had left their comfort zones trying to reach the Auca Indians. The anniversary (January 8, 1956) was just last week. He lived the epitome of leaving comfort and living his life for God.

We don’t have to go on the other side of the world if it is not God’s will for us. But what are we doing right here in our life? Are we doing our part? Are we doing what we know the Lord wants us to do?

As I wrote on last time, each day we can make a fresh start. We are right at two weeks into the new year, but any time we realize we aren’t where we should be in our relationship with God, we can start again.

Remember, if we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we have the Good News. We have the most important information there is to give to others. Are we keeping it tucked away to ourselves because we surely don’t want to offend someone by telling them about a God Who loved them so much?

Do we see the danger of comfort? This is what I felt the Lord shaking my heart and mind about recently. I wanted to share how He worked on me and pray it helps you. How are you living your portion in this life? 💕 “Live to the hilt” for God!


  • Kat

    Well said👍🏻I was reminded of the brevity of life last week while attending the funeral of one of the men that led my husband (31 years ago) to Christ…he was 2 weeks shy of his 70th birthday. Wow, LIFE IS SHORT🙏🏻May we use our time here to glorify God & point others to Christ🙏🏻

    • Leslie

      It sounds like this man was living for the glory of God if he led your husband to the Lord. 💚 While this life seems so long, it’s nothing compared to eternity. I so want to live this short life for the Lord. 💕

  • arricahess

    So good. I have been reading a book put out by Voice of the Martyrers about women who are in the underground church and their stories of faith. It makes my sacrifices as a missionary to Canada seem so small. I want to grow in getting uncomfortable for Jesus.

    • Leslie

      Oh, please share the title of the book so I can look for it! I think it’s important to read books like this to encourage and inspire us to go that extra mile, to get our hands “dirty,” and to take that step of faith knowing the Lord will be there through it all. Thank you, Arrica, for you and your family’s full time service. I have close friends in full time service (missionaries and pastor’s wives) so I’ve had a glimpse of the struggles. 💚

  • kathyvlittle

    Oky dokie 😃…. you’re just plain meddling now!!! 🙃 (you know I’m teasing!) But seriously, this one hit a nerve! Nobody likes a little “comfort zone” more than me, so your writing was very convicting! I thought your comment very profound, about which “world” we have our eyes on……..”Very often we keep our eyes on the wrong world – this finite world we are currently living in – instead of the eternal one that is coming.” Well said! Thank you for taking the time to share! Thank you for YOUR obedience to the right world! You sharpen us!

    • Leslie

      Oh, Kathy, you know the Lord works me over before I even write about it, and then I usually get a second working over as I write. Haha! Believe me, we ALL like our comfort zones! 💙

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