Clear Echoes

Our backyard extends into a field and then woods further on, but to the right of our backfield there are acres of fields that turn into a shallow valley at the base of two large hill ridges. It makes great conditions for echoes.

If the clouds are low in the sky, then it’s like being in a long concert hall if you happened to need to walk in the backyard and call your dog (or husband). 😉 The closest train track is about 2 ½ miles away as the crow flies, but on a cloudy day its loud air horn sounds like it is right over the ridge. Cupping your hands around your mouth and shouting on those days will cause the exact words to be clearly echoed back to you. It can be fun if you are a kid (or an adult that is a kid at heart!).

When we approach prayer it is good to echo what the Lord has taught us through His Word and through the Holy Spirit. Our prayers should begin with thanksgiving and praise (Psalm 100:4). Jesus modeled this to the disciples when He told them how to pray “hallowed be Thy name” (Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2).

Very often we come to the Lord and go straight into our wants or needs. It’s like short telegrams from long ago. “I need a better job. Stop. My husband needs to see my emotional needs. Stop.” We “pray” and then go about our day. This type of prayer is going to lead to frustration for many reasons such as wanting things that may be right but for the wrong reasons and wanting things to be answered our way and in our timing. Our agendas and plans in life take center stage instead of the will of the Father.

Echoing promises from Scripture is an important practice. Some simple examples include: “Dear Lord, I’m trusting You as ‘my refuge and my fortress’ to protect me during these uncertain times (Psalm 91:2).” “Heavenly Father, I know You ‘make all things new’ and right now I’m asking…(Revelation 21:5)” “Dear God, Your Word says You ‘comforteth us in all our tribulation.’ I need that comfort right now, dear Lord (2 Corinthians 1:4).”

No matter if the conditions are right or not in our lives, we can always echo God’s promises. Go to Him in worship and gratitude knowing no matter if the thing we ask is answered exactly how we want, it will be good. Spending more time in the Bible will help your heart and mind to form the words that will seemingly echo the heart and mind of our Heavenly Father.

Daily Tip: Find a Psalm of praise (Psalm 100, 148, and 150 are some of my favorites) to begin your prayer and end your prayer with thanksgiving (Ephesians 5:20, Psalm 9:1, Colossians 3:17, and 1 Chronicles 16:34 are a few verses to pray). Clearly echo the goodness of God WITH FAITH through His promises when you pray! 💕


    • Leslie

      I love how the Lord shows us what we need (sometimes even in obscure passages) when we need it! And how we will read something for years, but then when we read it again, we see it so differently. That is why it’s the LIVING Word! 💕

    • Leslie

      I have had several friends respond saying they were studying the Lord’s Prayer at church. There is so much to learn from that model of praying! Thank you for reading, Arrica! 💙

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