The Danger of Comfort
This quote… This quote was in my most recent blog post, but when I was thinking about the danger of comfort in the believer’s life recently, I realized the quote applied to that topic as well. You see, we are creatures of comfort. Raining outside? Give me a cozy blanket and good book to read. Snowing outside? Give me a cozy blanket and a good book to read. Sunshiny outside? Give me a cozy blanket and a good book to read. For you it might include a movie or a coffee or something else, but you get the idea. We like comfort, to be comfortable, to not have things in…
How’s Your Appetite?
This post was originally published for Encouragement from Women Who’ve Been There. I am currently taking a break for the Christmas holiday to be with my family. 💚 Growing up in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, my family planted a huge garden every year. Whatever vegetables or fruits we did not grow ourselves, we rarely bought or ate. It was a very Southern meat and three sides cuisine I was raised eating. Having the opportunity in high school to travel to Mexico for a mission trip with the youth ministry, the possibility of differences in food vaguely crossed my mind. I mean, Mom made those Ortega taco kits which I…