• The Lost Fruit of Meekness

    Meekness seems like weakness to most, because it goes against everything in our human nature. It is nearly a lost attribute in the world today. In our human nature, we are prideful people, full of ourselves – our self-worth, our abilities, and our potential. Today’s culture teaches it loud and clear with “believe in yourself” and “you can do anything.” It’s all about your own inner strength and power. Meekness is NOT seen as a virtue. As believers in Jesus Christ, is this a wrong way to think? Let’s see what the Bible teaches about meekness which is a fruit of the Spirit (and the eighth in our series from…

  • Cultivating Fruit

    When my kids were in second grade, their class at school visited an area apple orchard for a field trip. The owner of the historic orchard was quite the story teller taking the students and chaperones on a wagon ride to give the history of the orchard and the events during the Revolutionary War that unfolded on the mountainous land itself. After buying the old orchard the owner and his family wondered if it would really be that hard to grow apples on the severely overgrown and neglected trees. Some of the heirloom trees were over 85 years old. They had been through floods and blight and freezes that had…

  • Forgive, Forgive, Forgive

    And forgive again! This is what Jesus commanded. Forgiving Others The truth is forgiveness isn’t really about the other person but more about us and specifically, our hearts. Almost every time, it is pride that gets in the way. We are too prideful to admit we are wrong. We are too prideful to forgive because we won’t get the satisfaction of punishing them for their wrongdoing. (And sometimes they don’t care whether we forgive or not.) When we think about what we did to Jesus – ALL our sin was placed on Him when He died on the cross, and He forgave it ALL – how can we not forgive…

  • The Age of Rage

    This post was originally published for Julia Bettencourt’s 2020 Bible Memory Challenge on Proverbs 18:15. Check out her website in the link provided. You can also find her on Facebook at Creative Ladies Ministry! I don’t know if you have noticed, but we live in a day where it seems it is acceptable to be angry. Whether it is angry at parents, mad at kids, outraged at politicians, annoyed at spouses, indignant at teachers…The list can go on. Anger is the emotion felt when we think something or someone has wronged us. Basically, we do not like the way we were treated. Our pride was hurt. Someone may point out,…

  • Who’s in Control?

    Ah, control. We all like being in control, but so often we lose it. It could be your mouth with the words that spill out of it, your appetite with how much you keep eating, your thoughts such as giving in to worry, or your time management with how much you spend on your phone, watching TV, etc instead of other needed things. Sometimes we seem to be in control of ourselves while other times we might look like an erupting volcano. Lack of control is sin. Very often people want to blame the devil for their sin problems. While he certainly knows our weaknesses and how to tempt us…

  • Living by Faith

    “God makes a promise.Faith believes it.Hope anticipates it.Patience quietly awaits it.” D. L. Moody What is faith? It is the seventh fruit of the Spirit in our series. Hebrews chapter 11 known as the “Hall of Faith” gives a list of men and women from the Old Testament who lived by faith despite obstacles or the unknown or other things that would normally make a person doubt. The chapter opens in verse one with a definition or description of faith. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Faith and hope go together; when we have faith in God, we have…

  • Being Good Isn’t Good Enough

    You may have heard the phrase “a good man” or “a good woman” as I have. When you think of a good person, what qualities do you think of? As a believer of Jesus Christ, we are to have the quality of “goodness” which is the sixth fruit of the Spirit in our series (Galatians 5:22-23). As I mentioned before, I think the order of the characteristics in this list are important. The characteristics listed in the fruit of the Spirit cannot be achieved until we are growing the first in the list – love. We can do good works such as serve at church or a local charity, but…

  • Be Gentle!

    When I gave birth to my son, Andrew, Elizabeth was only 18 months old so when my parents brought her to the hospital to meet her new brother, she thought he was a baby doll. She sat on the hospital bed beside me while I held my sleeping newborn. We told her to “Be gentle!” as she carefully patted his head. Her idea that he was a baby doll was soon to change. 😉 “Be gentle!” is a phrase you often hear around young children when they are “petting” a dog or “loving” on a new baby. We want them to contain their uninhibited energy. While growing up, our neighbor…

  • Longsuffering – Suffering Long

    Ah, longsuffering. I might describe it as patience on steroids. Crummy steroids. However, it is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and unfortunately, one which grows only under trial. Let me remind us all that because it is a fruit of the Spirit, it is not a suggestion but a command and something we are to strive to achieve. Longsuffering is when whatever trial we are going through we have faith that the Lord is going to keep His promises and see us through it. We have a holy confidence, fully trusting His sovereignty. We are patiently enduring with great faith. Has there ever come a time when you…