The Blame Game
The Devil Made Me Do It?
My recent Bible reading has had me in Job. The trials (attacks) Job experienced are beyond anything we can imagine. He even says the things he “greatly feared” in life came to pass (Job 3:25). He was heartbroken, he was in distress, and he was physically in pain, but he did not blame God. Through it all he did not sin, and most importantly, he did not lose his faith in God. He continued to trust and praise Him through it.

Compare that to the first man and woman in Genesis, Adam and Eve. When they were tempted with sin and then committed the sin, they immediately started the blame game. Adam accused Eve and even pointed out to God it was the woman you gave me making it evident he was blaming God as well (Genesis 3:12). Eve blamed the serpent (the devil) while she did admit to being deceived (Genesis 3:13). Neither accepted the fact they were the ones who took the fruit and put it to their mouths.
When we know what we are supposed to not do and then do it anyways, that is the epitome of sin (James 4:17). Neither God nor the devil can MAKE us sin.

Have you ever heard someone blame the devil for everything that goes wrong? Lose a job? Satan has it out for me. Get sick? The enemy is attacking my physical health. Feeling depressed or having anxiety? The prince of darkness is stealing my joy and peace.
Very often the person staring back at you in the mirror is to blame. You chose to yield to temptation and then sin. You made a bad choice and then continued to make the same choice over and over turning it into a lifestyle. You didn’t heed warnings by the Holy Spirit whether through your daily Bible reading, sermons at church, biblically-centered friends, or even that still small “voice” pricking your heart to do what you know is right (John 14:26). “Right” could be to slow down at work for a mental break or more time with family (or God!), discontinue a relationship with someone who isn’t good for you, or whatever. There are obvious places Christians should not find themselves because of the propensity to sin; don’t go there! It also goes with things you listen to, things you read, things you watch…

While it may feel like the enemy is in control of our lives, we must remember our sovereign, omnipotent God is the One in control (Psalm 22:28, Job 12:10, plus many others). Satan is known as the accuser and deception is his chief weapon. Do not resort to his tactics, but let us take responsibility for the choices we make.
We must remember when we do sin, we are the ones who made that choice (1 Corinthians 10:13). The devil knows our weaknesses. He wants to destroy our lives, but he can’t do that unless we stop trusting in God and start falling into the temptation. God isn’t to blame (James 1:13) as Adam tried to charge, but we are (James 1:14-15). Don’t try to shift the blame like Adam and Eve. Take full responsibility and repent to the Lord.
Jesus gave the ultimate example of how to respond to temptation when He was in the wilderness. He depended on the Holy Spirit (Matthew 4:1), He fasted and prayed (Matthew 4:2), and He quoted Scripture to deny the devil’s temptations (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10). We too can conquer sin with this model.
“The reason why many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle. The reason why others succeed is because they have gained their victory on their knees long before the battle came. Anticipate your battles; fight them on your knees before temptation comes, and you will always have victory.”
R. A. Torrey
Don’t blame the devil, defeat the devil. We have an Advocate who will help us fight our adversary (1 John 2:1). Remember, “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:3-4). Quit pointing the finger and start putting it in the hands of the Lord by relying on the Holy Spirit, fasting and praying, and quoting God’s Word to rebuff our enemy’s lures. Temptation is going to come at us until our dying day, but remember Jesus has done all that is needed to defeat sin and Satan. Trusting God through trials and troubles will give us the ability to praise and strengthen our faith in Him as it did Job. When you walk in the Spirit as Jesus did, we can give Him the credit! 💕
Katheryn V. Little
I am so tracking with you here!! Well said— all of it!! And the Lord has had me somewhat on this same page recently in my studies. Matter-of-fact when I was teaching a few weeks ago, I gave the illustration of how and why we discipline our kids…. it’s because they messed up and they need to be re-directed and re-routed. Our discipline is therefore very intentional and purposeful! But what if we overheard them talking to their friends, as they’re being asked to go do thus and so, and what if they answered back, “I can’t. I’m being attacked by satan.” NO THEY AREN’T! They messed up! They sinned! And it’s being addressed! And I think we do the very same thing with God when we refuse to own our junk, but instead we blame satan. Yes, he no doubt was involved in the temptation but we make the choices we make! I loved your last few paragraphs where you gave such wise counsel on how to anticipate our battles before they happen and then how to rely on our Advocate within the temptations! A good word, my sister-in-Christ, based on the Word!
Thank you for being my faithful reader, Kathy. 💚 I think as humans it’s ingrained in us (because of Adam and Eve?) to want to blame someone else. We even see toddlers do this when I doubt they have picked up on this from their parents yet. Our world doesn’t like to take responsibility for their actions, and then you find Christians (and maybe even non-Christians) wanting to blame the devil (or God). Even when we know we are responsible, sometimes it’s hard to acknowledge it. I’m thinking of asking my husband to forgive me when I was hateful or something. It’s always PRIDE getting in the way! Ugh!
Teresa Smith
Sometimes I feel so lazy! And in that laziness comes weakness. I working every day to be a strong woman of faith and am so grateful to start my Mondays here!
Thank you for your encouragement, Teresa! 💜 We are all weak in ourselves; I’m thankful for the Lord’s promises of helping us through life!
I’m in Job too. I totally started writing a blog about him as well but mine is more about how his friends suck. Lol. I will try not to blame them. Great stuff. We can quickly get into the woah is me mentality and stop taking responsibility for our choices and actions. Praying the Lord helps me look to Him and put it all in His hands.❤
That poor man has TERRIBLE friends! Who needs friends like that? It’s amazing after all he went through that they didn’t cause him to sin. I think you need to write something on the “friends.” 😉 Thank you for reading and commenting, Arrica! 💙