Fresh Starts
Here we are looking at a new year and a new decade. As we grow older we realize God’s Word on life being like a vapor is accurate (James 4:14). After all we are about 60 days from spring, 100 days from Easter, 150 days from summer….oh, and about 360 days until Christmas. 😂 Haha!
Some of those things seem so far away, but we know how quickly 2019 went. With the New Year, many of us decide it’s a great time for a fresh start whether it’s to do things differently or to improve in areas of our lives. We make resolutions or pick a word-of-the-year to strive to live toward. And then there are those of us who don’t even bother, because we have realized how long it takes for those ambitions to peter out. 😉
Here are three simple things we can do for 2020 that will make it better than 2019. No resolutions involved – just attitude changes and relying on God. 💚

1. Each day is a new day – a fresh start – no matter how terrible yesterday was, no matter how bad 2019 was. It’s a new year, a new day. Really, we get a do-over EVERY DAY. Don’t keep wasting time worrying about what can’t be changed; change what you can and pray about the rest. Give others a chance to make a do-over too. Remember, God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23), and so is His forgiveness. The Christian life is all about a fresh start, a new life (2 Corinthians 5:17).

2. Re-focus. Keep your focus God-centered. You can weigh each decision as how important it is to God. Maybe it’s time to shorten your list. What are the priorities in your life? What should they be? Everything – every moment and every detail – should be God-centered.
3. Plan. Dream. Make it happen. Your life is based on faith or fear. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? I’m not talking about a career or bucket list items. What about your spiritual growth? Do you want to become a kinder person – a person who shows the love of Christ to others? Do you want to spend more time volunteering/serving or being ready to help a friend or family member when in need? Having dreams, ideas, and goals without a plan doesn’t get you anywhere. But then you have to work that plan!

In the end the main thing we should do is to make our lives count for God. You have 366 days of possibilities ahead of you (one extra day for Leap Year!). God wants our lives surrendered to Him. Our plans and dreams should reflect that too. In this brand new year and decade, will it be the same old you? Or will you aim to have a revolution in your life instead of making resolutions? You must decide how you will live your portion in this life in 2020. 💕
I will start posting every other Monday in 2020 as I am listening to my own “preaching” and working the plans from my dreams. 😏💙
Thank you Leslie for this thought. I have already been thinking along these lines for my life in 2020. I want to focus more on Jesus and ways to encourage others.
Thank you for reading and commenting, Joyce! You have already encouraged one person even though it’s not the new year. 😏💜
Yes, my prayer is to keep God centered. I want to be His servant and die to my own will. Love these thoughts friend!!
We truly must “die” every day as our own selfish desires want to take over. I have to remind myself a LOT (and should add that to my list to do daily, really). 💚 Thank you for reading!
Katheryn V. Little
Such wisdom for us as we launch this new decade!! Blessings to you and your sweet family!❤️
Thank you, Kathy! 💙