Come Boldly

Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Background: The early church faced persecution and began to waver between standing firm for Christ and falling back to the Jewish religion. The temple still stood and all the priestly ceremonies occurred daily. The writer of Hebrews asks his readers to evaluate their faith and what Jesus Christ had to offer. These second-generation Christians were being seduced by false doctrines. It may seem like they were at a standstill, but in the Christian life, if you do not go forward, then you are going backward. The central theme of Hebrews is the priesthood of Jesus Christ, what He is now doing in heaven on behalf of His people.

This powerful verse gives us the who, what, where, why, and when of prayer.

Who? – “Let us”

As children of God this exhortation was written for us! The context reminds us that Jesus Christ is our High Priest sympathizing with our weaknesses and temptations and opening the door to His throne room.

What? – “therefore come boldly”

Prayer is approaching God, drawing near to Him (James 4:8). One of the devil’s goals is to discourage us from this. “My need is too great or too little,” “Jesus is unapproachable” for various reasons, or “does the Lord really care about my prayer?” – these are a few reasons our enemy may use to put doubt in our hearts. We are to come boldly. One preacher described it this way:

Boldly does not mean proudly, arrogantly, or with presumption.

Boldly means we may come constantly.

Boldly means we may come without reservation.

Boldly means we can come freely, without fancy words.

Boldly means we can come with confidence.

Boldly means we should come with persistence.

Where? – “unto the throne of grace”

As a child of God, we have the privilege to come to the glorious and powerful throne of our heavenly Father. He wants to bless us with this endless source of grace. His grace does not negate His justice but actually fulfills His justice in light of Jesus Christ’s work on the cross.

Why? – “that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help”

The reason we should come to His throne of grace is answered in this part of the verse. When we come to the Lord humbly, repentant, and seeking His will, He is ready to impart His mercy (not getting what we deserve) and His grace (getting what we do not deserve). What love!

When? – “in time of need”

Grace and mercy is available just when and where you need it! The beauty of the Holy Spirit living in us a child of God is Jesus’ way of being with us always. He does not want us to be anxious about anything but to come to Him in prayer (Philippians 4:6). Considering Easter is a few short days away, it has to be mentioned that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives inside you. The power we have as His child!

Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege of coming to Your throne of grace in prayer. Make going to you my immediate course of action when there is a need. Thank You for Your generous gifts of grace and mercy. Let me live my life before others in the same way, so that I point them to You. Amen.

Cross references: Hebrews 10:19; Ephesians 3:12


  • Kathy Little

    I love your description of what “coming boldly” looks like! Constantly, without reservation, freely, with confidence, and even with persistence!! It so reminds me of how comfortable our own children are in approaching us!

    We have a little 2-yr old grandson that doesn’t hesitate to tell me…. “But I want it!” I love that in his innocence he is so honest with me!! No pretense! No manipulation! He just shares his true heart! He comes boldly, knowing he is loved, knowing that I want to do good things in his life, knowing he is safe with me…. I love to hear his true heart! Of course this doesn’t mean I always say “yes”…… cookies for lunch aren’t what’s best for him! But I love his heart that wants me to know what the desire of his heart is! And it opens up our conversation for me to tell him that I love cookies, too, and when the time is right…. there will be cookies!!

    Thank you, Leslie, for how you always bring me to see the hand of God in my life and in my home!

    • Leslie

      I love how you take what I have written and can make it apply to your own life. I am so thankful God wants us to “come boldly” before Him. 💖 Thank you for reading and commenting, Kathy!

  • Phyllis

    Sweet Leslie, your heart for God always is revealed in your writing. You have a way with words and expressing what is on your heart. As always thank you.

    • Leslie

      I sure to pray a lot when I write, so I am always thankful to the Lord if one person takes some little crumb from what I write. Thank you for encouragement! 💗

  • Erica B

    I am playing catch-up on blog reading, but how applicable God’s Word is to every situation and circumstance! I loved your lesson from this verse. So helpful and encouraging!

    • Leslie

      Thank you for taking the time to read, Erica! 💕 We prayed about the choice of verses and the order of the verses for our memory verse challenge. It’s been interesting to see how the Lord is giving many of us EXACTLY the verse we need each month. 🙌🏼

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