Think on These Things
Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Background: Paul wrote the book of Philippians while imprisoned in Rome. He had planted the church of Philippi during his second missionary journey; this church had a special place in his heart. Chapter four is specifically on having a secure mind (God’s peace – 4:1-9; God’s power – 4:10-13; and God’s provision – 4:14-23).
I think our December memory verse is the exact truth needed as we close out 2023 and start a new year. Much of the Christian life is dependent on the mind. Thoughts cannot be seen or measured, but they are real and powerful, and my, how they can weigh heavy!
Righteous living involves right thinking. Wrong thinking leads to wrong feelings which quickly pull our hearts and minds into the deep pit of fear and worry. This is why it is important to allow the Holy Spirit to control our thoughts with truth instead of letting the devil overtake them with lies.
A book I recently read discussed the interweaving of our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Examining the importance of biblical principles, brain function, and our general health, the author quoted Timothy Jennings, Christian psychiatrist and neuro specialist, as saying, “As we exercise healthy neural circuits, these circuits develop, strengthen and expand. Conversely, the brain prunes unhealthy circuits when we leave them idle.”
Translation: When we fill our thoughts with biblical thinking – whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report – over time it will become a pattern, almost instinctual. Taking the negatively intrusive thoughts “into captivity” (2 Corinthians 10:5) will stop us from responding that way eventually.
Even more simplified: what we believe is what we become.
Our brains and bodies are wired to respond to the most consistent thoughts and choices. Scientists are proving that Scriptures affect us on a cellular level. Isn’t it neat when science catches up with God’s Word?!
Paul, the writer of this verse, is the perfect example of this connection. Despite the difficult circumstances as a prisoner in Rome, he was rejoicing. His attitude in life was “it makes no difference what happens to me, if I can glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and share His gospel.” His secret to living with this joy was the same mind as Christ (Philippians 4:2).
Paul outlined a blueprint for the type of thoughts that should dwell in us.
Truth: His Word is the bedrock on which we build our understanding of reality. When falsehoods and deceptions assail us, let God’s truth be our anchor.
Honesty: Integrity is a treasure in a world where deceit can often reign. Let our words and actions reflect honesty, sincerity, and transparency.
Justice: Injustice pervades our world, but as daughters of the Most High, let us champion fairness and advocate for righteousness.
Purity: The world bombards us with impurity, but we’re called to purity – purity of heart, mind, and action. Let our thoughts dwell on what is pure and undefiled.
Loveliness: Beauty surrounds us, not just in nature but also in acts of kindness, in genuine friendships, and in expressions of love. Focus on the lovely things that reflect God’s beauty.
Good Report: Amidst negativity, search for the good – the positive stories, the acts of grace, and the instances of God’s faithfulness. These are worth dwelling upon.
Virtue and Praise: Lastly, thoughts of virtue and praise – contemplate noble actions and commendable attributes, and let our hearts overflow with gratitude, praising God for His goodness.
As we conclude our memory verse challenge for this year, continue to rehearse these verses so they stay committed to memory. This particular verse gives us freedom, not dwell on the brokenness of the world, but to align our thoughts on what is good. Guard what goes in our minds through the internet, television, social media, books, etc. We have the ability with the help of the Holy Spirit to be like Paul and have the same mind as Christ. Will you choose right thinking today?
Sovereign Lord, thank You for Your Word that guides us in all wisdom. Grant me discernment to recognize the things that do not align with Your truth, and give me the courage to turn away from them. Remind me of this verse when sinful thoughts enter my mind. May my life be a reflection of Your goodness and grace, as I fix my mind on things that bring honor to Your name. In Your loving name, Amen.
Cross references: Other verses referencing the importance of our mind (not exhaustive) – Isaiah 26:3; Psalm 19:14; Psalm 139:23-24; Proverbs 3:5; Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 22:37; Romans 8:6; Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:23; Philippians 2:5; Philippians 4:6-7; Colossians 3:2; 2 Timothy 1:7; 1 Peter 1:13; see the parallel in David’s description of God’s Word – Psalm 19:7-9
Kathy Little
Another encouraging word from the Word!! And I love hearing it filtered through your mind, your walk, your research, your experiences! Thank you, dear Leslie, for your faithfulness in proclaiming Christ and the value of His true Word!
I know you feel the same way, but sometimes I just want to shout from the rooftops the importance of being in God’s Word and of talking with Him every day. He is so worthy! And I want to thank YOU for always being an encouraging reader/commenter. 💗