Perfect Peace
Isaiah 26:3 “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”

Background: Isaiah 26 was written by Isaiah for the land of Judah as a song of thanksgiving to the Lord Jehovah for providing all the things they need, including their ultimate need of salvation. He sings of how one day Israel will walk in peace and righteousness when God restores them.
Our Creator God knows His people are fragile and fearful. Cares of this life threaten to take away our peace, but in the chaos of this world we long for a sense of calm and stability. Strife will come in life, but we have the ability to face it and go through it with the peace of God.
One of the blessings God promised Israel is one we can claim today: perfect peace. The original Hebrew for “perfect peace” is shalom shalom. The word “shalom” does not mean freedom from conflict or commotion but it conveys the idea of wholeness, quietness of spirit, safety, blessing, happiness of heart. Repeating it as it does in this verse multiplies its intensity – a peace of great depth and vast extent.
How do we obtain such a condition? There are two stages: peace with God and the peace of God. We cannot have peace with God if we have never accepted His Son for our salvation (Colossians 1:20), and we cannot have peace with God if as His child we have sin in our lives (Isaiah 48:22; Psalm 1:4). The peace of God is the peace that “passeth all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). You may have noticed two other verses for this memory verse challenge mention peace (John 16:33; Psalm 4:8); it is because it is something we must strive to have and keep.
So how do we? Isaiah tells us to fix our thoughts, attention, and affections on God, then all other concerns will shrink into their proper perspective. In a world of distractions, maintaining a steady focus on Him requires intentionality. Keeping our minds stayed on Him is our part, but God does the work – “Thou wilt.”
Trust is the foundation of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Isaiah tells us that the one who has perfect peace trusts in God. Trust involves surrendering all to Him knowing He is in control. He is worthy of our trust. Having this kind of faith will give us a peace that transcends circumstances. C. H. Spurgeon said, “Faith lays a cool hand upon a burning brow, and removes the fever of the fearful heart.”
We need to replace distracting and discouraging thoughts with truths from God’s Word. Memorize verses (Isaiah 26:3!!) and read and meditate on Scriptures to remind us that God is good and He never breaks a promise. He has always been faithful to us!
Dear Lord, thank you for the promise of perfect peace found in Your Word. Today, I choose to fix my thoughts, my attention, and my heart on You – the place of perfect peace and the source of it. I trust in Your sovereignty and goodness. Help me to deepen my trust in You each day. May my faith in Your promises by unwavering even when circumstances are challenging. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, that I may experience the calm and tranquility that only You can provide. Amen.
Cross references: Isaiah 57:19
Definitions: stayed – fixed, settled, established
Kathy Little
Isaiah 26:3….. I’ve often said that this verse feels like the “secret to life”! Matter-of-fact I have it written out and taped to my mirror…. as a constant reminder!! At the beginning of the day, how will I face the challenges awaiting! At the close of day, when I’m perhaps still waiting, still not knowing, still wondering how things will turn out—- this verse reminds me where my mind needs to be! “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it”, as the song says!! This is such a realty… the propensity of a wandering mind!! But your writing was such a beautiful breath of fresh air!! I loved how you made it so easy for us…. the scriptures that you had so well-placed (and even so easy to pop into and read)!! And I loved how at the very end you gave us the definition of “stayed”………. fixed, settled, established!! Those words helped me to wrap my mind around what “stayed” is and how it truly is possible!! And actually, all thru your writing, you encouraged us in knowing that this is doable! And the reason why we can do it….. as you so aptly said: Keeping our minds stayed on Him is our part, but God does the work – “Thou wilt.”
Thank you, Leslie, for letting us join you on your own journey…. I know you write from the perspective of “how you’ve found this to be true in your own life”….. but as we join you, we ourselves find courage and hope to keep traveling, as well! You help us trust Him, trust His timing, and trust His methods! Much love, sweet girl! ❤️
I do try to keep these monthly devotionals short for our ladies memory verses, but yes, this is definitely something I have had the Lord show me in the last (almost) two years. (Can you believe it’s been almost two years since I got my original diagnosis??) The Lord has certainly given me the peace that passes all understanding and grace and strength to walk this road that is ONLY Him! He’s our omnipresent God who is ALWAYS there just waiting for us to come to Him. His love is beyond our comprehension!
Erica B
So timely this needed reminder in my life. Thanks, friend!
Thank you for reading, Erica! I had an incident on Wednesday where I know I was being spiritually attacked (through a person – it was a very evil thing and still feels surreal), and I was praying and quoting this verse as best I could in my state of mind. Afterwards, I had to continue to call on Him for this peace. I’m so thankful He offers this to us! <3