What does the title of this website mean anyways?
As mentioned in my “About” page, I have enjoyed writing for most of my life. I have an overactive imagination. (Just ask my friends and family.)
When I started this blog, I had found myself entering a new stage. Only one of our two kids were at home full time, and I was transitioning to an empty nesthood.
For several months I felt the Lord working in my heart. I had a friend tell me once that she felt the Lord was preparing her for something but she didn’t know what. I didn’t really understand what she meant…until I felt the same way.
When I would be reading my Bible or listening to a podcast, I would have thoughts. Deep thoughts. Exciting thoughts. Thoughtful thoughts. They would be about marriage and parenting and daily life and my daily walk. After some time passed, when the epiphanies would hit me, (and I use that word lightly because “there is no new thing under the sun” Ecclesiastes 1:9), I began to type up those thoughts.
Having had a couple of blogs in the past, I thought this was the easiest platform to start sharing my thoughts. It is different from anything I have ever done though, as my plan is to write about what the Lord has laid on my heart. I have not arrived as a Christian in any way, but the Lord is definitely working (or wanting/trying to work) in my life.
Trying to choose a name for my website, a phrase was brought up several times through my daily Bible reading and by our pastor which in my book was not coincidental. The phrases had to do with the word “portion.” I thought about how many times it is used in the Bible. After I meditated on the word and how it applies to my personal Christian walk, it stuck.
What it means to me? My portion in this life is what the Lord has given me. He has given each of us a portion – this slice of eternity – to be used. Just like the parable in Matthew 25:14-30 of the master entrusting his three servants with different gifts, we have a duty of service to use our portion in life well. I pray and yearn for one day to have my Master tell me to “enter thou into the joy of the Lord” (verses 21 and 23).
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
C. T. Studd
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
We count our life by years as birthdays come and go, yet the Word of God tells us to number our days instead (Psalm 90:12). In light of eternity, our lives appear and vanish as quickly as vapor (James 4:14).
I don’t want to waste my portion any more than I already have. We only have one chance in this life. There are no do-overs. And we shouldn’t give God our leftovers whether it be leftover time or leftover talents.
It is true that God wants us to enjoy this life. Why would He have given us such a beautiful world to live in? And laughter and the ability to love? And kittens and puppies? 😍 However, we are responsible for what we do with our portion in life.
Circumstances may take us down the road of a broken marriage, up the hill with a new baby, or sinking in a valley facing cancer. How will I react and respond whatever I face? As Christians, it should be differently than the world. One day I will answer to God for my works (not for my sins, those are paid for, praise the Lord!), for how I lived the portion He gave me. (Ecclesiastes 12:14, 2 Corinthians 5:10)

I hope you will read along as I share my life, what I am learning from the Lord, and how I am trying to use it for God’s glory. I hope you will be encouraged and inspired and maybe even convicted (along with me). And because laughter is a wonderful gift from the Lord, I hope to make you laugh along the way. 😊