Mary, Mother of Jesus
One woman stands out among all the women mentioned in the Bible. One woman who has been admired universally for generations. One woman that was sovereignly chosen above all women ever created to carry the Messiah.
She was Mary, mother of Jesus. God entrusted her to birth, nourish, teach, and care for His only Son. She is said to be “blessed among women” not because of who she was but because of Whom she was to mother (Luke 1:28). She was “favored” which translates to mean she found grace in God’s eyes (Luke 1:30).

She lived a godly life (not sinless). She willingly surrendered her body, her reputation, and her future to what God wanted of her. She had courage to stand up to speculation (being a virgin who was pregnant) and to raise Jesus from a babe into manhood. (Can you imagine the stress in wondering if you were teaching the Christ-child all He needed to know?!?)
She was chosen, but she was not divine. She had to have her sins forgiven just like you and me. She looked to her own Son as her Savior and followed Him during His ministry, obeyed Him (John 2:5), and worshipped Him.
The angel, Gabriel, delivered an astonishing proclamation to Mary, but it wasn’t about Mary; it was all about Jesus. God’s call to us isn’t about us, but about the Holy Spirit working through us.
Mary confessed her need for a Savior when she sang praises for the baby growing in her womb. It’s known as the “magnificat” which shows her knowledge of the Word of God as she paraphrases fifteen verses from the Old Testament in her hymn of praise (Luke 1:46-55).

Even though Jesus was all God and all man (next week’s post!), Mary was still His mother who birthed Him and saw Him grow from a baby to a toddler to a young boy and into a man. She loved Him just as if you are a mother you love your child. She probably loved Him more because she understood Who He was. She also knew He would sacrifice His life for the world knowing the prophecy of the Old Testament. Even when she and Joseph took Him as a baby to the temple to be dedicated, Simeon prophesied and reminded her “a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also” (Luke 2:34-35). Years later when she saw a Roman soldier pierce the side of her beloved son and Savior, she must have felt a sword was piercing her side as well. Her mind may have thought back to the day when Simeon foretold what she was witnessing.
Mary later had other children with Joseph (Matthew 13:55), but only One – Jesus Christ – was the way to salvation (John 14:6). She was His earthly mother, but He was her Savior. She was simply a young lady who had a heart for the Lord, therefore, she was able to be used as an {important} instrument for the Lord.

We can be available the same way as Mary. We can give God a pure and faithful heart – a heart that is readily willing to believe and obey whatever God has for us. We can let the Lord birth a miracle in our lives by giving Him control. Will we bring Jesus into our every day as we live our portion in this life? 💕
I love this! ….. especially the line: “She was simply a young lady who had a heart for the Lord, therefore, she was able to be used as an {important} instrument for the Lord. We can be available the same way as Mary. We can give God a pure and faithful heart – a heart that is readily willing to believe and obey whatever God has for us. We can let the Lord birth a miracle in our lives by giving Him control.” WOW! That’s so well-stated and sets such an important challenge before us! Thank you for how you always inspire and motivate!
Thank you, friend. I think Mary needs to be honored but not worshipped as she has been by some. She was chosen for a reason, but I wholeheartedly feel that *we* can be chosen for something that can have impact on future generations IF we have the same open heart as Mary. 💚
Great, truly redirects our focus on Who it needs to be on, but also shows Mary’s special role she played as a mother…so sweet, what an honor she had.
Thank you for reading, Katy. 💜 I was thinking yesterday how her first child was TRULY perfect but then the ones she had afterwards were not. I bet that was hard for her AND especially the siblings! Haha!
Wonderful balance – as you say, honored but not worshipped…There is so much to learn and admire in her example – and yet, she remains our sister, one of all of us who are brothers and sisters in Christ!
I rarely think of people in the Bible as fellow brothers and sisters although I know they are, so thank you for that reminder! 💜 The Lord can use us as He has all of them!