Daily Gratitude

At the end of October the ladies ministry at our church had a fall event with the theme, “In Everything Give Thanks.” With us entering the Thanksgiving season (for those who don’t skip it and move on to Christmas as soon as the calendar flips to November 😂), I wanted our hearts and minds to start focusing on gratitude and thanksgiving.
I don’t know about you, but I love to hear my family tell me “thank you” whether it’s something I have done for them or when I cook a meal or whatever. It’s one of those things that makes my face and heart smile. Know what I mean? 💜
We aren’t the only ones who like to hear “thank you.” The Bible tells us God likes to hear it too. As followers of Christ, we are to daily live in gratitude. He tells us “in every thing give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Living in gratitude should be a lifestyle.
People who live in gratitude are joyful people. Joy is the product of a thankful heart. In recent years, research has shown there are many benefits to living in gratitude. Having joy is on the list, but we already knew it because of what God’s Word says! 😉
“Everyone gets to decide how happy they want to be, because everyone gets to decide how grateful they are willing to be.”
Ann Voskamp
People who live in gratitude will serve, worship, and praise the Lord with gladness (Hebrews 13:15). They keep going no matter what the devil or world throws at them. They have a song in their heart (Psalm 69:30). You will never see me in the choir here on earth, because I can NOT sing, 😁 but I do enjoy singing. It’s one of my favorite ways to worship the Lord.
I’ve written a lot about how the Holy Spirit helps us to live the Christian life. It’s the same thing with living in gratitude. Ephesians 5:18-20 explains how when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we will worship the Lord in psalms and spiritual songs and will give thanks to God for all things. Many more verses speak of Spirit-filled worship and thanksgiving (Psalm 18:49; 30:12; 35:18; 69:30; 79:13; 92:1; 100:4; 106:1,47; 147:7).

How to increase the attitude of gratitude…
1. Count your many blessings! Many people do this by keeping a gratitude journal, writing 1-3 things down each day for which they are grateful. This is an intentional way of doing it, but another way is to tell God the things you are thankful for every day when you pray. Living this way keeps you content. Very often those who have the most to be thankful are the least thankful, and somehow those with virtually nothing live lives full of gratitude.
When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed,
Johnson Oatman, Jr (1897)
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
2. See those around you who have less whether it’s money or health. And then do something about it whether it’s giving time, money, or encouragement. (See Living Like a Barnabas and Equal in His Eyes for more on this.) Acknowledging your life is not as bad as others will open your eyes to gratitude for all you do have.
“Gratitude and murmuring never abide in the same heart at the same time.”
E. M. Bounds
3. Give thanks in everything. Even in the midst of trials, a Christian can live in gratitude. God’s Word teaches it. It’s also what can get you through the difficult times. Don’t dwell on the hard times or the things you don’t have, instead delight in the blessings in your life.

My favorite Bible commentary is by Matthew Henry (1662-1714). Henry was once robbed, having his wallet taken, but knowing he was to give thanks in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18), he did. It is recorded his diary entry preceding that event was, “I thank Thee first because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took my purse they did not take my life; third, because although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth because it was I who was robbed, and not I who robbed.”
“A state of mind that sees God in everything is evidence of growth in grace and a thankful heart.”
Charles Finney
How do you view the world? Your life? Is it easier to complain or give thanks? Do you see the negative over the positive of every situation? Can you find the good in the midst of the bad? There are two ways to live this life – living in gratitude or complaint. “Turn your eyes upon Jesus…and the things of earth will grow strangely dim” as the old hymnal goes (Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus by Helen Lemmel, 1922). When our eyes are on ourselves then we will slide into the routine of complaining. Living in thanklessness can destroy families, marriages, and churches.
“We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.”
Harry Ironside
As Thanksgiving comes and goes, let gratitude be a way of living, a frame of mind. Don’t let it come around just one month of the year. Following this command is an easy way to worship and praise the Lord and shows evidence of our transformed hearts. Let’s live in daily gratitude as we live our portion in this life. 💕
Katheryn V. Little
BEAUTIFULLY SPOKEN!! Loved all this! And so helpful! When I began reading, my mind was tracking… “yes, we all love to be thanked”. But by the time I finished, I was seeing that my “being thankful” was far more important than my “being thanked”!
Our ladies have been studying the life of Joseph lately, so he’s been where my mind drifts! What a prototype he was! And even though the word “thankful” wasn’t used as a description of him, the choices he made, the attitude he had, the consistency of his life were such evidence that he must have been a thankful person…. because, as you said that Ironside said…. “Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” And Joseph showed no evidence of whining over the circumstances he endured!! Anyway…. all that to say, thankfulness can be a mindset and a lifestyle, as well as our verbiage spoken! Thanks for always bringing me to ponder further!!
Yes, Joseph had so many highs and lows in his life, and yet he kept faithful to the Lord! He always gave God the credit even saying God caused him to be fruitful in the land of his affliction (Genesis 41:52 – I had to pull out my Bible to find this because our interim pastor did some great messages on this recently). Several years ago I read Ann Voskamp’s book, “One Thousand Gifts,” which is all about living in gratitude and grace. It had an impact on me in recognizing all the little blessings in our daily lives. 💚